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11.歌唱吧 2016 oil on canvas 88x88cm | 14.飛鳥 2016 oil on canvas 35x24cm.jpg | 誕生come_into_being_20x20x20cm_2016_oil_on_canvas.jpg |
他方_other_palces_15x15cm_2016_oil_on_canvas | 10.紫羅蘭女神Violet goddess 2016 oil on canvas 15x15cm | 08.紫色眼睛的鳥國王Purple eyes of the bird king2016 oil on canvas 26x18cm .jpg |
09.閃亮的金翅膀Shiny gold wings 2016 oil on canvas 30x27cm | 07.鳥頭權杖Bird 's Head Scepter 2016 oil on canvas 45.5x38cm | 05.宙斯的信使 Zeus' messenger 38x45cm 2016 oil on canvas |
46.Mind trajectory III心靈軌跡III 17.5X15cm Acrylic on canvas 2012 | 06.紅樓夢_A_Dream_of_Red_Mansions_65x72cm__oil_on_canvas_2014_ | 11.林慧姮 印第安那的星空 Indianapolis's star oil on canvas 38x45.5cm |
3.月光_Moonlight_55X55cm_2014_oil_on_canvas | 03.林慧姮 仙鶴與葫蘆山 Cranes and Hulu Mountain oil on canvas 50.5x50.5cm. | 7 |
4.家的化石 Home's Fossil 80X80cm oil on canvas 2014 | 5 | 05. 無量微塵相--來自不同星球的紅色羽毛鳥以及其他2014 Oil on canvas 227X163cm |
8.啟程 2017 oil on canvas 31.5x41cm | 2.金翅鳥 Golden wings 2016 oil on canvas 72.5x52cm | 03.葛瑞絲歷險記 The adventure of Grace 130x95cm oil on canvas 2015 | 10.從泡沫中升起的阿芙蘿黛蒂 Aphrodite Raised from the Foam 91x65cm oil on canvas 2016jpg | 03.月亮上的維納斯 Venus on the Moon 2015 70X70cm(圓) | 4.永恆的旅客 Eternal Traveller 2014 Oil on canvas 72.5X65.5cm | 01.向月亮祈禱 Pray to the moon 130X130cm oil on canvas 2015 | 02.生命之樹 The Tree of Life 130x130cm 2014 oil on canvas | 04.信仰_Belief_130X130cm_2015_oil_on_canvas | 20170612_230148 | 7.金色的早晨 The Golden Morning 65x91cm oil on canvas 2015 | 9.魔法 Magic oil on canvas 2015 70x70cm(圓) | 20170613_030809 | 20170620_011058 | 20170620_190423 | 20170620_173826 |
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